Mushroom Preservation

Most Americans do not know that there are dozens of choice edible mushrooms. They do not know that knowledge of edible mushrooms is being lost, little by little, and that the number of people in the world who can identify many of the more complicated edibles has dwindled to only a handful.

We are also losing access to mushrooms in the wild, as public foraging access is more and more restricted.

If we do not USE, and cultivate choice edible mushrooms, we will lose them to future generations.

What is not used, is not preserved. Simply making it off limits dooms it to obscurity and guarantees its loss to humanity.

If we want to continue to enjoy them, and use them for their culinary and medicinal benefits, we have to learn to cultivate them where we can use them.

Mushrooms can be naturalized in so many places, and many that are not cultivated in containment can be if protocols for doing so are refined.

Dedicated to the Preservation, Cultivation, and Wise Use of Culinary and Medicinal Mushrooms


This Organization and Website are dedicated to the Preservation, Cultivation, and Wise Use of Culinary and Medicinal Mushrooms. We do NOT assist with cultivation or preservation of recreational mushrooms.

Mushrooms may cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Some mushrooms are more likely to do this than others. Please research possible reactions prior to use. We are not responsible for how you choose to use our information, and do not claim that mushrooms are completely safe to consume.


We do not make any claims as to the efficacy of any mushroom product to treat or prevent any disease or condition. We are not medical professionals and will not provide advice on alternative medicine use for any mushroom. Please consult a doctor or alternative practitioner prior to using any mushroom product for treatment of any disease or illness.


We cannot guarantee that any spawn, spore, or kit product will grow or produce mushrooms. Gardening of any kind is a chancy business, and success depends upon adherence to instructions, and may be influenced by weather, environmental factors, and other controllable and non-controllable factors. As such, we cannot guarantee your success, and advise that if you are uncomfortable with purchasing instructions from us under these terms, that you refrain from purchase.

We do promise to answer your questions, and offer reasonable assistance if needed, and to correct any errors if a mistake is made on our part.

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